
Star course management software


How to install from the download (in easy steps!)


These notes refer to the download of the latest version of the software. Other downloads (e.g. the manual) are done in a similar manner.

1. Exit from the package if it is currently running.

2. Click on the 'Download' button.  A dialogue will ask you if you wish to 'Open' or 'Save' the file.



I've always preferred to 'Save' as, if the installation needs to be repeated, or I wish to install in more than one place, then 'Save'ing the download file makes this easy.  I always save it to my desktop, then, when I have completely finished with the download, I can delete it. An example of this dialogue is shown below.



3. Once you have completed the download to your desktop exit from the web site (having read and maybe even have printed the notes concerning the latest enhancements) and double-click on the download on your desktop. The download is called  star.zip. 


4. Double-click on this file to run it and it will take you through the standard installation process. The only thing that you have to be careful of is to ensure that it installs INTO YOUR CURRENT \star DIRECTORY - and not somewhere else on the computer. It should automatically offer you the correct \star directory.



Copyright 2008 (C) Worsfold Software Ltd